Dr. Gavin Ashenden

Dr. Gavin Ashenden

Associate Editor, The Catholic Herald

Caught and interrogated both by the KGB and SIB, he learned firsthand the techniques of Marxist totalitarian repression. This one-time chaplain to the Queen of England converted to the Catholic Faith and will speak at the Catholic Identity Conference 2024!

Gavin Ashenden originally graduated from Law school intending to be a lawyer, but became instead an Episcopalian (Anglican) clergyman, ordained in London in 1980. In 2019 he was received into the Catholic Church.

He is a commentator in the British media, writing for a number of publications including the Times and the Daily Telegraph and appearing regularly on GB News. He has become Associate Editor of the Catholic Herald, and has a YouTube channel ‘Ashenden Scripted’  - and appears with two colleagues (Katherine Bennet and Mark Lambert) as Catholic commentators on "Catholic Unscripted."